Agriculture has a big effect on the climate, and is in turn affected by it. Tropical and subtropical regions of the globe are likely to suffer especially from a changing climate. That makes it important to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from agriculture, and to adapt land-use systems to climate change. The major shifts in the climate in many parts of the tropics – and the speed of those shifts – make it urgent to develop suitable technologies and to find ways to adapt both locally and regionally.
Examples of my work on agriculture and climate change:
Assessment of the proposed project “Adaptation of Agro Ecosystems in Ghana to Climate Change”. Project Appraisal. 2011 GIZ, Eschborn.
Advice to development organizations on the development of adaptation strategies.
Organization of the international conference “ClimAdapt: Innovative Responses in Sustainable Agriculture. An Open Space Event”. Bonn, 5–7 November 2008. AGRECOL. Link
Kotschi, J. 2007. Agricultural biodiversity is essential for adapting to climate change. GAIA 16/2: 98-101.
Kotschi, J., and K. Müller-Sämann. 2004. The role of organic agriculture in mitigating climate change: A scoping study. IFOAM. Bonn. 58 p. Link